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  • Hostel Management留学生公寓守则11条
  • 作者:  编辑:  来源:   浏览:; 时间:2013年03月11日 09:59
  • Hostel Management

    (1) International students who have registered formally

    should get accommodation with their registration cards under the arrangement of

    hostel manager according to the prearranged room number. Without permission,

    students are not allowed to change their rooms.

    (2) Principally, one room is shared by two students. If

    one of the arranged students can not come, the college has the right to

    readjust the room occupancy.

    (3) Students should take good care of the public

    properties (as washing machine, microwave oven,closet, etc) and inner room facilities. Without

    permission, students are not allowed to move the facilities. Students should

    compensate for the loss, damage, dismantling and refitting of the facilities

    according to their values. When the inner room facilities are damaged and no

    one take the direct responsibility, members of this dormitory should share the


    (4) Students are forbidden to climb cross the window or

    take the responsibility for the consequences if any physical injury is caused.

    (5) Students should attach great importance to the fire

    safety and electricity and water saving. Students are not allowed to cook in

    the dormitory. Using of high-power electrics like electric stove or other

    unsafe equipments is not allowed in the dormitory. Using flame or fire burning

    is absolute forbidden .The equipments for these activities will be confiscated

    and the user will be fined. The students who cause fire or other accidents due

    to the activities mentioned above will be severely punished and be asked to pay

    for the damage they have caused. The students who have caused the accident with

    casualty or sever property loss will be transferred to the corresponding

    judicial departments for their criminal responsibility.

    (6) Students should form a good health habit of keeping

    the rooms and hallways clean. All the stuff in the room should be kept in order

    .The floor, window and the students’personal items should be kept clean. Students are

    required to do clean the toilet, bath room. No water or trash is allowed to be

    chucked in the hallway. Drawing or scribbling on the wall is also forbidden.

    Flushing room, hallway or stairs with water is forbidden. Students are not

    allowed to dump remaining food into the gutter. No pet keeping is allowed

    in the campus.

    (7) The students should abide by the regulations of

    working and resting set up by the college. Students should register their names

    if they come back late to or leave early from dormitory. Students should

    keep the dormitory quite and no excess noise is allowed. Especially blasting

    their stereo and playing music instrument with excessive volume are severely


    (8) Bicycles and motorcycles are not allowed to be parked

    in the hallway which will cause inconvenience for the goers. All kinds of

    gambling are forbidden in the campus. Drinking or smoking in public places is

    not allowed.

    (9) No outsiders are allowed to stay in the dormitory for

    the night. Without permission, male students are not allowed to enter the

    female students‘room and vice versa. The stay of opposite sex for the night in the

    dormitory is severely forbidden.

    (10)Students should return to their dormitory before 10:

    30(Beijing time). Students who fail to return to their dormitory in time should

    inform the student management teacher with the cause of delay and the exact

    returning time. No student is allowed to stay for the night outside the campus.

    (11) The visitors of the students should register their

    names at the first floor with their personal identity certificates. After

    getting the permission from the visited student and his /her roommate, the

    visitor can enter the dormitory. Visitors are forbidden to stay the students’room for the


地址: 温州市瓯海区茶山高教园区温州医科大学
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